Involves the making of violins after renowned models created by the grand luthiers Guarneri del Gesù and Antonio Stradivari. The instruments that I create do not aim to be replicas of the original models, rather original creations based upon my understanding of their maker's conception. Only exquisite materials are used which are available on the European market.
Addresses the current repairs that a certain instrument needs with the purpose of giving it back its original state as much as possible, with a focus on user-friendliness (or functionality) and the optimisation of the sound. I place great importance on good communication with the client during the repair period.
The restoration of historical instruments is a particular form of repair in which the emphasis falls on trying to keep the original substance of the instrument as much as possible in order not to affect its collecting value.
You can contact me using the fields below
Workshop: Str. Liceanului 59, 307160 Dumbrăvița, România
Phone: +40 721 494 419